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Michigan Pain Specialists
135 S. Prospect
Ypsilanti, MI 48198

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Joan Westbrook, PA-C

Ypsilanti, MI 48198
734.995.PAIN or 866.835.PAIN

Pain Management
Additional Training: 
Michigan State University, Wayne State University
Michigan Academy of Physician Assistants
American Academy of Physician Assistants

If you’re looking for one person to exemplify what makes Forest Health Medical Center a truly special place, look no further than Joan Westbrook. Since joining us in 1998 Joan has consistently displayed a genuine interest in putting others first.  As a result she quickly becomes a favorite of new patients. And a friend for life for those who end up under her personal care.


She decided to pursue a career in medicine as a physician assistant because she likes to work with patients and is motivated to help guide them through-changing solutions to chronic pain. Along the way, not surprisingly, Joan enjoys getting to know her patients and developing close relationships with them. 


Outside of work, Joan enjoys quilting, biking, camping, church, community garden and playing with her dog. She also volunteers as a physician assistant at church camps. We’re pretty sure she’s a favorite there, too.